Pinellas Park Civic Orchestra

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The orchestra was first founded by Dean Sisson in 1964 and was known as the
First Congretional Church Orchestra.
It continued on under the baton of Mr. Sisson untill his passing and the baton was taken over by his wife, Marie.
A romance blossomed in the orchestra between Marie and Clarence Day, a French Horn player in the orchestra.  They married and Marie Day continued to lead the orchestra untill 1988 when she retired due to her health.
In September of 1988, Michael Ficcocelli, a violinist in the orchestra assumed the leadership of the orchestra untill his retirement in l992.
Richard VanDommelen, our present conductor assumed the leadership of the orchestra at this time.
In December of 1994, The First Congreational Church closed it's door after a period of one hundred and six years.
The orchestra decided to stay togeather and moved to the City of Pinellas Park and at this time changed it's name to
The Pinellas Park Civic Orchestra
The orchestra had a new home and performed concerts at the Pinellas Park City Auditorium.
In 2007 The Pinellas Park Performing Arts Center opened it doors and the orchestra moved to this new wonderful building.
Concerts are performed on the First Sunday of the month from October to April.

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